For those of you that know of our previous business ventures you may have seen the vlogs we put together with Free Sports Press over the years.
While we aren’t looking to make this a vlog-heavy channel on YouTube, we do think it would be fun to jump in front of the camera from time to time to talk about different topics, show off different things we’ve been working on recently, or just rant simply to rant.
So we’d like to present the first episode in our vlog series titled “Behind the Lens”.
It is just a quick little video highlighting some very basic aerial shots we got of the schools we attended growing up in Colorado Springs.
The drone techniques are nothing professional as we were just looking to capture the basics. It also wasn’t the best time of day to do a shoot like this.
But we hope you enjoyed it just the same and stay tuned for the next episode.
If you haven’t already we’d love it if you could like the video and subscribe as it helps out the YouTube gods with giving us great analytics.
And if you’re looking for any photography services anywhere in the state of Colorado or the surrounding areas, make sure to contact us as we’d love to discuss the services you’d like to hire us for. Looking forward to hearing from you!